Tell me about High School Rugby
What is rugby?
Rugby is game that originated in 1823 on the playing fields of Rugby School, in England. William Webb Ellis is credited with starting the game when "with a fine disregard for the rules of football, as played in his time, first took the ball in his arms and ran with it".
Rugby is similar in some respects to soccer and American football. It is played by two teams of 15 players on a field about 160 yd (150 m) long and 75 yd (70 m) wide, with goal lines 110 yd (100 m) apart and two in-goals (corresponding to football's end zones). The ball may be kicked, carried, or passed (to the sides or rear); tackling is permitted, but blocking is forbidden. Scoring is by carrying the ball into the in-goal or by kicking it between the goal posts.
When is the season?
When are the practices?
What should I bring to the practices?
Cleats or Rugby Boots, wear sturdy clothing. Bring a white and dark shirt (NOT gray). Bring a mouth piece.
Make sure all jewelry is removed and your finger nails are cut.
In the warm weather bring extra water. In the cold weather dress in layers.
When are the games?
This depends on field space.
I thought you had to be big to play rugby?
Not necessarily. With 15 positions, there are opportunities for people of all sizes.
How much does it cost?
$550. Additionally you will need to buy 2 pairs of Black Rugby shorts.
Why do I have to "pay" to play a High School sport?
Although rugby currently falls under the athletic department, rugby at Rye High School is considered a club sport. The team is self-funded and receives support from Rye Youth Rugby.
Aren't there a lot of injuries?
Rugby is a contact sport so everybody gets their share of bumps, bruises, or scrapes during a match - similar to field hockey, lacrosse, or soccer. According to a study entitled "The epidemiology of women's rugby injuries" by the Women's College Hospital Sport Centre for Advanced Research and Education which appeared in The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine and a study entitled "Knee injuries in women collegiate rugby players" by the American Orthopaedic Rugby Football Association which appeared in The American Journal of Sports Medicine, the incidence of injuries in women's collegiate rugby is comparable with that in other women's contact and collision sports.
The 2005 Ohio State study showed the injury rate per 1000 hours of practice/ games is less than American football and Ice Hockey for High School athletes.
What if I have never played rugby prior to High School?
Then, you will be in the same boat as approximately 99% of all our players. We teach you everything you need to know. In the last ten years, only 6 players have had playing experience prior to High School.
Will there be enough Matches?
Yes. There are many local clubs with both Boys and Girls sides.
Can I play rugby after High School?
Yes! There are over 450 men's collegiate teams and over 300 women's collegiate teams. In fact our director Ryan Fitzpatrick played in a match in 2014 at the age of 41. Additionally there are tournaments for teams where the minimum age of players is 35.
7’s? What’s that?
7’s is a variation of the game in which there are only 7 players per side and 7 minute halfs. It’s played on a full-sized pitch, so with half the guys covering the same amount of space, there’s a LOT more running involved.
I’ve heard rugby described as ‘football without pads’ – is this accurate?
Football is a sport that originated from the game of rugby, but it a much different game. Rugby is a very controlled game with a lot of rules in place to keep all players safe on the field. Although rugby players do not wear pads and protection, they are taught the necessary skills to stay safe and successful on the field.
What is my job as a rugby parent?
USA Rugby has put together a helpful guide of expectations for rugby parents.
Get Involved!
We know that being a sport parent is a tough job - being there for our children is a full time job in itself. We want to offer you the chance to get off the sidelines and get in the game by becoming a rugby coach or referee! There are great opportunities to become more involved in the game we all love.
Become a Rugby Coach
Great rugby parents make great rugby coaches! With USA Rugby’s Coach Certification program, you can become a coach today!
Become a Rugby Referee
The easiest way to learn more about the game and stay involved in your son or daughter’s rugby game is by refereeing. With great training and resources, you too can become a referee today!